
In order to avoid DUO you can do one of the following:

  • EASY WAY: Get on the WiFi in the Talmage building or get on the CS VPN. You can run ssh <netid> and since you are on the local network it will automagically put you on a machine without DUO enabled and you won't have to worry about DUO. However if you want, instead of using you can specify a machine name from the list below and use the following command ssh <netid>@<machine-name-of-choice>.
  • MORE INVOLVED WAY: Create a ssh-key pair and store the ssh public key on your CS Account (use this link). Once you have done this you can ssh <netid>> and it will not ask for a password or use DUO. If this is not working you can then specify a machine name below instead of using schizo and run ssh <netid>@<machine-name-of-choice>.
  • ohio
  • nebraska
  • loki
  • alabama
  • stlouis
  • oklahoma
  • peggy
  • spiderman
  • hulk
  • starlord
  • oregon
  • alaska
  • shanghai
  • connecticut
  • arizona
  • syria
  • carolina
  • newmexico
  • rogers
  • michigan
  • groot
  • blackpanther
  • hawaii
  • ironman
  • delaware
  • nevada
  • california
  • wyoming
  • tennessee
  • indiana
  • rhodeisland
  • idaho
  • drstrange
  • hawkeye
  • antman
  • rome
  • sydney
  • seattle
  • tokyo
  • wanda
  • florida
  • shangchi
  • wintersoldier
  • sanfrancisco
  • falcon

SSH Into Moat

This tutorial will show a first time login to

1. SSH into moat, replacing csaccount with your CS username

username@yourmachine:~$ ssh

2. Enter password, and copy the link that appears if one appears. If no link appears and you are prompted to dual authenticate, you are already enrolled in DUO and should skip to step #8.

username@yourmachine:~$ ssh
Please enroll at https://<<duo url here>>
Connection to closed.

3. Follow the given link and complete the prompts until Duo asks you to choose an authentication method. You will be presented with two choices: Duo Mobile and a hardware token. Choose Duo Mobile.

4. This should take you to a screen that asks you for a phone. Instead of entering a phone number, choose the “I have a tablet” option

5. Download the DUO Mobile app if you do not already have it.

6. In the Duo app, select the option to add a new account, and select the scan QR code option. Scan the QR code and complete the prompts, skipping when it asks if you would like to add another authentication option.

7. Repeat step 1

8. Enter your password if prompted, and complete dual authentication by typing the number associated with the Duo push option and pressing enter.

9. During your first login from a machine, you may be prompted to accept an ssh key from moat, answer yes to this prompt.

The authenticity of host 'moat' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:kkMN****.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
  • moat-login-tutorial.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/20 13:22
  • by alex