
BYU CS Certificate Authority

If you are using Chrome or Safari, download the certificate file here.

  1. Click the menu button (the one with the 3 horizontal lines on it).
  2. Click on Settings from the drop down menu.
  3. On the Settings page, click on the link at the bottom that says Show advanced settings
  4. Scroll down to the section titled HTTPS/SSL and click on the Manage certificates button there.
  5. Click on the Authorities tab, click the Import button and then browse to the location of the certificate file you downloaded previously and open it.
  6. A box should pop up. Check the box for Trust this CA to identify web sites and click OK.
  1. Click the Advanced button on the page that says the site isn't secure.
  2. Click on Add Exception.
  3. In the grey dialog box, select Confirm security exception.

Once you have done this, Firefox adds our self-signed certificate to the list of accepted certificates for you.

MacOS has an integrated system called Keychain for certificates and passwords which is used by Safari, Mail, etc. To configure Keychain to support the BYU CS Department Certificate Authority, follow these instructions:

  1. Download the certificate file from above and double-click on it to open it with Keychain Access.
  2. Keychain Access will ask, Do you want to add the certificate(s) from the file “Certificate_Authority.pem” to a keychain? Select the Keychain “X509 Anchors” and click “OK.”
  3. Restart Safari and the CS Department certificate should be properly recognized.
  • byu-cs-certificate-authority-howto.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/02/06 16:02
  • by brysonlt